
NormalsPro (Blender Add-on)

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NormalsPro (Blender Add-on)


What is NormalsPro?

NormalsPro allows you to roughly isolate the wrong facing normals on your 3D model, giving you control over individual faces or the entire model. NormalsPro was crafted to expedites your workflow, eliminating the time-consuming rigor of selecting individual faces. NormalsPro also delivers an immense amount of control over the normal's orientation as well as individual selection of normals, perfect for speeding up a 3D artist's workflow.

Features include:

  1. Face Orientation (on/off)
  2. Rough Isolate Normals*
  3. Correct All Normals (Object/edit mode)
  4. Invert All Normals (Object/edit mode)
  5. Flip Selected Faces (Edit Mode)
  6. Free Future Updates

* a feature that lets you select roughly all the inverted normals. As you apply the rough isolate normals feature, you can continue to iterate through (flipping the normals as needed) until you've attained the ideal product.

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